
I am the thick blood of a Scot, with my freckled skin, my stubborn nature. I am the fair hair of a Swed; the hardiness of Canada.

I come from a place of hard work, of uncomplicated love, of sacrifice and devotion. I come from small town and gravel road and meadowlark.

I am all dichotomy, ripe with contradictions. I am the gray matter of every argument; the space between your black and his white. I can always see the middle.I am a text-book gemini who doesn’t believe in astrology. I apologize a lot. I don’t expect much from you. I expect a lot from myself.

I am a recovering perfectionist, a conflicted introvert, a prayer warrior who forgets to pray some days.

I am nurse, and I am mommy and I am becoming wife. I am a story-teller and a Jesus chaser and a theology-phob.

I am at peace, midnight underwater and in the quiet of water lapping the shore.

I am found in the wildness of forest and its stillness at dusk.

I am recovered in the pages of scripture, the fine words of scholars, the stories I weave.

I bask in moon beams on my pillow, the glow of my children, the light of my good man; three extraordinary reflections of Creative God.

I love Eddie Vedder and super hero films and I would rather sit by a fire with two friends that be at a party with 20. I love music and dancing and poetry that is raw. I love wind in my hair when travelling too fast, coffee in a paper cup, blank pages and black ink.

I like people who love good food and a good laugh the most. I make my best attempt at authenticity but hate when I use that as an excuse to not pursue rightousness…goodness…purity. Being real is not an excuse to be mediocre.

I love stories and people and Jesus, but especially people who tell stories about Jesus. I tell my stories here, to the few who come to visit and otherwise I hide in my cabin in the woods. I’m sorry I don’t spell very well or understand the basics of sentence structure or the appropriate occasion for a comma.

IF you can muscle through all that and still come back for another visit I hope you’ll let me know you stopped by, tell me your story?

Keep in touch!

Email me at melissafedd@gmail.com

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9 thoughts on “About

  1. Wow, this may be the best “About” on a blog that I’ve ever read! I love it. I’m also a nature-loving introvert, crazy about my husband, kids, and Jesus, and really wish I had a cabin in the woods, so I connect with a lot of your description.:) Looking forward to reading more of your blog! Thanks for sharing. Your latest post was just beautiful, and I’m going looking for more!

    • Correction – my OWN cabin in the woods. My parents are happy to share theirs. Do you live in the woods all the time? This intrigues me….

      • Hey Kendra! Thanks so much for your kind words! Yes…we live here all the time! About 20 minutes outside of our town…bliss! Hope our virtual paths keep crossing!

  2. This is just the very best About I have ever read. You are so talented, my friend. I feel like I haven’t spent enough time meandering through this wonderful blog, so now I am going to get my fill. Love you….

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