Pursuit Justice

276689970827055361_JgUmDYuJ_cWhat we do…

We are catalysts and dreamers. We believe that we can either choose to sit in the dark and complain or we can become lights in dark places. We choose the latter. We hope you will choose to join us. Once a month we host an event for Pursuit that gives you a starting place. We know the world of social justice is overwhelming, maybe we can’t do everything but we can do something…and for someone? That might be everything. Each month we rotate between our four concentration areas:

  • International Focus (we will learn about our brothers and sisters in the global church doing great work and we will support them)
  • Regional Focus (we will come along side our brothers and sisters in the Okanagan region and we will bless them)
  • Community Focus (we will come along side our brothers and sisters in our Pursuit Community and ensure we are meeting ‘the needs among us’)
  •  Advocacy Focus (we will come along side brothers and sisters who are oppressed, imprisoned or marginalized in some other way. This may include letter writing or other very practical things.

We are not ‘starting new things’ but instead we will become the accelerant that stokes the fires for justice in the hearts of our congregation. We will support the people doing hard work on the ground. We will love our brothers and sisters here in front of us. WE WILL. Join us?


January 27: International focus: Live 58 Screening and special guests Pat & Kara Aylard who just returned from Uganda

February 24: Regional Focus: Hope Centre 

March 31: Church Community Focus: The Great Pursuit Exchange (Got good stuff you don’t use? Bring it maybe someone needs it!)

April 28: Advocacy Focus: Human Trafficking in Canada with a film by Hope for the Sold

Past Events:

November: Team Aylard To Uganda

December: Write For Rights (Amnesty International)

January: Haiti Relief Kits (MCC)

February: Full Stop Now

March: At the End of Slavery (Documentary)

April: Dress A Girl Around the World

Read with us????

SHE LOVES Magazine

When Helping Hurts

Half the Sky

Mercy Rising

The God of Intimacy and Action


The Just Church

The Justice Project

Why we began…

I’m sitting in my beautiful, warm home, complaining about the mess and work I need to do. My belly fat from the excess, as I groan about my husband’s job, while so many are out of work. I fuss about the stress of children while so many wanting wombs sit empty. I complain about going for groceries while the vast majority of women cannot feed their families. My faith as flabby as my arms…I cannot wrap my brain around the depravity most women face. The rape in the Congo. The murders in the Sudan. The stolen children. And so I sit and I eat cheesecake.

How dare I? How dare I sit while the world goes to hell? Even worse…while they inhabit hell? Here where the dark dominion strangle holds us? While children are exploited and enslaved?

I get weekly emails from International Justice Mission, Amnesty International, World Vision, Persecuted church. I stare appalled, sick for 48 hours, and then, without an immediate solution in sight, I fall back into apathy, and flabby extravagance, and compassion fatigue.
Until today. Today in my heart is born ‘Pursuit Justice’. It is just a small thing. But it is something. My passion is to care for widows and orphans. To clothe the naked. Give drink to the thirsty. Feed the hungry. Set the captives free.

Please join me once a month as we learn about a group of marginalized, exploited or otherwise broken, group of people. We will also donate what we can to a worthy organization, additionally 5% of all Pursuit Live tithe money will go towards the justice projects. Some months we will commit ourselves to concrete actions, some months we will just become informed or do a study on doing justice without doing harm.


If you would like to be on my email invite list please respond. Not interested? Feel NO PRESSURE. I know what schedules are like, I know many of you are at full capacity for your giving. Come and meet Jesus face to face…whatever we do for the least of these…

Contact Melissa for more information:


6 thoughts on “Pursuit Justice

  1. What a wonderful idea! Your passions are very close to mine and doing something as simple as a nickle CAN absolutely make a difference!! I’m so happy to meet you and can’t wait to hear more about your giving circle!

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